Sunday, 14 April 2013

Three, Two, One, Action!

Good day everyone! As you all know, you have only approximately two more months until you complete your foundation. May we remind you that these following two months should be taken seriously, as there is no longer any time left for 'playtime'. 

During the tutorial on the 11th of April (the recent thursday), we have been assigned to complete the mega task by Mr Charles. Specifically, for it to be in a set: one visual outcome, along with a write-up/essay on it).

This particular project is an individual based project, hence, stating the obvious, no groupings, no collaborations, but assistance is allowed. This individual assignment is being assigned due to the inactivity of your personal blogs, sadly. Of course, Mr. Charles will still be assessing your personal blogs but it's not an absolutely necessity for the time being. 

The title of this brief is called 'Solution' (No, it should not be the title of your video and write-up, but it's just the title of this brief you are reading). What is it, that you have to do, in order to find the 'solution' to this 'solution'? 

1. As we all know, you have initially been assigned to head over to Archetypeme to determine your particular and respective archetypes. If you haven't, make sure you do, and be sure to add Mr Charles into your friend circle in order for him to keep track of your page. 

2. Based on your archetypes, explore any facets of design that interests you and make your archetypeme page as your design and idea platform for your inspirations. 

3. Based on a specific concept that you have picked out of all the research you have done, sketch your ideas out and present it on the specific tutorial date (that is stated down below) to be finalized to Mr. Charles. Find a way for you to present the context of the video. Keep in mind, 'What is my context vehicle? What will be the medium in which my context will be presented in?'. 

4. As for an example, quoted by Mr Charles: "Lets say Jun Nian wants to make a talk show. The current talk shows seen on the tellies are mostly boring, and Jun Nian thinks he should make it interesting by implementing his own ways. How would he do it? How would he change it? Will he make it a general talk show (which are, most of the time  the boring ones) or would he implement some of his own essences to make it interesting and bizarre? His audience should be the people of the design industry, perhaps?" so long as the video represents your identity. 

5. As for the essay, write about your video presentation and its contexts, with a word count of between 1 - 1.5k words (1000 - 1500). For the cover page, write the main title of your video in the middle of the page, with font size of between 14 - 16pt (bold). Beneath your title, place your name, student ID, followed by the contextual studies subject code (FDES0824 ). The following pages should consist of your essay. Make sure to comb-bind your write-up, with plastic pages placed at the most front and the back of your write-up. 

Now as for the agendas for the next consecutive weeks (thursdays, specifically speaking): 

(18 April 2013) : Bring whatever that you have acquired and created in the excursion, such as your group t-shirts and findings, to the group tutorial that will be held at either C9 or Starbucks (depending on how good Mr Charles feels like, on that day itself). 

(25 April 2013) : This would be the tutorial day where you are required to finalize your basic idea of your individual assignment. 

(2 & 9 May 2013) : On these two tutorial dates, you are allowed to have tutorials with Mr Charles upon request in order to show your updates and your progress of ideas and videos (discussions, developmental issues etc.). You are required to bring these ideas and developments in the form of sketchnotes. 

(16 May 2013) : It is a compulsory act, to have your respective individual films fully completed. The same compulsory act applies to your write-up essay. 

(23 May 2013) : This would be the video presentation day, also the day of your write-up/essay submission to Mr Charles. Strictly speaking: NO LAST MINUTE ISSUES, resubmission otherwise. 

On a sidenote, if you'd like to enquire more information regarding this particular assignment, you are allowed to make your way to consult Mr Charles personally - be it at C9 itself, upon request (depending on whether or not that he is busy); and if you're lucky, at the commercial block if he is spotted at any of the restaurants/cafes. Approach him casually, and he shall respond. 

That is all.
Good luck for this big project, fellow designers! 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Are you ready?

Short Brief

  • Maslisa: 'the exiled queen', Queen Principal - Function: Teacher
  • Charles: 'Sage', - Function: Guide
  • Stephen: 'Lord Vicul'- Function: assessor and antagonist
  • Cassandra:- 'Warrior Princess', Princess Cassiopeia- Function: Clues

Tools to bring:
  • Fabric paint/sharpie few colors
  • Mahjong paper
  • Bandanna( bandana is used to separate the sem 1 with sem 2, the fabric paint is probably for 2D design)
  • Notebooks for journal
  • Recording Devices
  • Basic art material
  • cutter scissors


Bring mind-map to Tioman. Extra RM10 for BBQ night! Be EARLY!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tutorial 1A: Archetypes

Lets keep this simple!

Since most of you haven't done the previous tutorial, i would like you all to spare a few minutes on this.AT LEAST THIS! But i will appreciate, if you guys can complete it by (7/3/2013).Remember you are being graded as you progress through the weeks. If you can't supply me the work, i am sorry to say; a deduction of 5 marks will be taken from your assignments.ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSORY! Don't play the fool guys! You'll shit bricks i tell you.(obviously not from Charles)

  • Go to: 
  • Take a Quiz and create an account
  • Add me: Charles (pic with a bandanna)
  • Get into your groups
  • Discuss and come up with an archetype for your group
  • Let me know by 7th March 2013

  • Last date for the payment: 7th March 2013
  • Please complete your Indemnity Form by 7th March 2013
  • State your allergies(STRICTLY NO UNIQUE PHOBIAS!!!!!)
  • Confirm your attendance

Saturday, 23 February 2013

A Glittering Jewel in the South China Sea: Pulau Tioman

Mini Map of Pulau Tioman

Just a glimpse!

General Info
  • 2 separate bus( Seniors/Juniors/Lecturers)
  • 14th March 2013-17th March 2013
  • Departure: 6:00am( Be ready by 5:30am)
  • Arrival at Mersing by 11am 
  • Departure to island, Duration: 2hrs 
  • Bus fees: RM 30(2 ways) 
  • Marine Park fee(compulsory): RM 5
  • Lecturers: Mr.Charles,Mr.Stephen,Ms.Cassie

Sneak peek!
  • A Villain: Lord of Chaos: Mr.Stephen
  • A Sage: Mr.Charles 
  • Team building 

Tutorial 1: Mind mapping (Vigilante)

Google Images:

1st Question
  • What are the issues you're trying to tackle in this world? 
  • How do you choose to tackle this issue? 
  • Ex: rapist, how do you tackle this issue?
  • What are your limitations and strengths? 

2nd Question

  • Talk about your issues 
  • How issues can shape a person?
  • What are the solutions to rectify it?

What do you understand by:

  • Hero archetype 
  • Anti-hero archetype 
  • Villain 

Are they all just a global misconception?Write an entry in your E-journal and bring your mind map to class.


  • Use the six hats method 
  • Make up a fake name if you have to
  • Illustrate as much as you want

DEADLINE: 28th February 2012

Friday, 15 February 2013

Recap - 07/02/2013

Why do we need vigilantes?

Right, so that's a question you have to ponder about . 
Think about the law enforcement.
Are they doing their job?
Are they doing it right?

What do you think?

2nd Task
Read up about the topic
Write an entry in your E-journal
Bring your analysis to class

Deadline: 21st Feb 2013
Note: Always date your entry!

Let's get started!

Hello there!
Welcome Vigilantes.We will be putting up the updates from time to time regarding your missions, assignments,projects,announcements,trips and many more.But before we go any further, please fulfill the requirements below. here's what you have to do:

  • Create your own individual E-journal 
  • Update your group blog 
  • Follow this blog
That's all!
And for our task:

     1st Task
  • Read a short story or novel
  • Find a contextual metaphor
  • Write an entry about it in your E-journal
  • Your analysis about the story
     Note: Always date your entry!